I scored ENFP And It Sucks

If anyone has ever felt a little bit lost or ‘empty inside’ I hope that you will relate to me when I say several times; I have without a doubt question ‘Who am I?’. The older I’m getting the more lost I felt and the more times I questioned my beliefs and what I felt. I guess a part of me didn’t feel like I fit in to any labels nicely and then it made me think ‘What kind of person am I?’

I can’t explain why I ended up spending my nights doing different personality test and what I was hoping to gain from them but for some unknown reason it made me feel better. But Carl Jung test gave me some clarification and indication why I act the way I do.

A brief background about Carl Jung work; there are a total of sixteen different personality types. The grid below should help for those who are not familiar with his work.

 So you have the first condition – whether you are an extrovert or an introvert. So in the four code I came out with I was an extrovert (which means I like to engage with people). The second letter in the code is for Intuition but it’s vs is Sensing. I came out as Introversion (it means Perceiving new potential). The third condition is Thinking vs Feeling and as you can see in my code I score higher on feelings; it means that I make choices based on my core beliefs. The fourth condition; is Judging vs Perceiving… (Click here if you are interested in taking the test)





Characteristics which are associate with this type of personality are:-
  • Being curious
  • Easily Bored
  • Spontaneous
  • Risk-Takers
  • Understanding
  • Extremely Emotional

Like everything there are advantages and disadvantages and today I will explain why having ENFP personality trait can suck:

      N U M B E R  O N E : Having loads of idea’s and plans which you never follow through cause you’re completely unorganised.

       N U M B E R  T W O : Wanting to experience everything but being so impatient you just want to do it immediately

       N U M B E R  T H R E E  : Never being 100% happy with everything because you keep contradicting yourself

      N U M B E R  F O U R: Freaking out your friends and family because of how much you stress when things don’t match up to the plan in your head..

N U M B E R  F I V E : People constantly accusing me of flirting – I’m just being friendly!

      N U M B E R  S I  X :  Shocking people about how strong your beliefs are because majority of time you are easy going

  N U M B E R  S E V E N : Getting bored a lot quicker than the average human being

      N U M B E R  E I G H T:  Constantly sticking with bad relationships (not just partners) because you can see how things COULD be and you focus on that and not really focus on what things are like in reality

      N U M B E R  N I N E: Forever forgetting to eat or get the right amount of sleep because eh who cares about your physical needs?

  N U M B E R  T E N: Wanting to be in social situations and meet people but also being very socially conscious!

   N U M B E R  E L E V E N: For always working towards the goal of the ‘ideal self’ and not just being happy with who you are right this instant

 N U M B E R  T W E L V E: Needing more alone time compared to other Extroverts but then getting restless after too much time

   N U M B E R  T H I R T E E N:  Being more than happy to get into a long distance relationship because the idea of the concept of love but not looking at the long term goal in things – so it then tends to go south!

    N U M B E R  F O U R T E E N: When my relationship goes wrong, I forget that it’s a mutual thing and I tend to keep questioning why things went wrong and what would happen differently

N U M B E R  F I F T E E N : Being accused to be on drugs when you're not because I’m everywhere

N U M B E R  S I X T E E EN: Talking to yourself out loud because there is so much going on in your head you need to separate it.

N U M B E R  S E V E N T E E N: 99.99999% of the time you hate being told what to do!

N U M B E R  E I G H T E E N :During some point in the week, I forget all social media/networks/mobile phones and switch of from the world and sometimes I may not text anyone back for a few days/weeks/months


N U M B E R  N I N E T E E N : I hate being criticized and cannot stand it if someone else is being criticising to another person

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