The 100 Happy Day Challenge | 🌼

Could YOU be happy for 100 days? Many of you may have heard of the Instagram challenge which requires you to be happy for 100 days. The rules are being to post a photo of something to make you happy that day. The whole purpose of the challenge is to post something small and to not be so flashy in what your posting but instead appreciating the little things in life.

I was inspired to do this challenge because of my friend. He/she posted his current battle with depression and how he/she was making a positive change to their life by trying to look at things better.  When I was 16, I was diagnosed with depression and anxiety and I couldn’t help but trying this myself.

So, I did.

Now, I know a lot of you may think: Why post these photos on Instagram and make them public? Why not just keep them for yourself without anyone to see? Admittedly, I thought that originally as well but having people watch your challenge, well you get this unbelievable amount of support.

I learnt a lot from this challenge; around day 20 I had a lot of people sending me messages on Facebook and Twitter and It was surprising how many people messaged me saying that ‘I was brave’ and that they were unable to be happy for 100 days. However, I did have people asking me ‘Don’t you feel annoying posting photos on Instagram every day?’.

The answer to that was ‘No I did not.’

So many people were so interested in the challenge (mostly to see if I could make the full 100 days) it was really refreshing.

So what did I learn about myself after completing this challenge?

1. That I buy make up a lot than I thought I did and I have no shame in it

2. That being Lazy and watching TV and eating pizza was waaaay better than going out and getting drunk

3. That I go out more a lot more than I thought I do which is an interesting way

4.That sometimes it’s OK to admit that you are having a difficult day and you just want to wallow and in some weird way that makes you happy

5.That my friends are amazing and when I was down would do anything to cheer me up

6. That I worked extremely hard: Whether it was revising for my exams or actual work and it does pay off 

7. Lastly, That I am determined. If I want to achieve something, I WILL do it.

 In the end, I did feel better for doing it. If anyone has any challenges they recommend doing. Please feel free to share/message. 

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