Dyspraxia Awarness

Three weeks ago, I was diagnosed with dyspraxia. If you’re reading this and you think ‘What the hell is Dyspraxia?’ You are not alone. I had no clue what that was or why I had it? All I knew was that it meant I was eligible for ‘Disability Allowance’ at University and that it’s similar to dyslexia but it’s not dyslexia. The only reason I had a diagnosis of Dyspraxia because I was at a Dyslexia screening. But since I plucked up the courage to tell friends/employers/family, a lot of people didn’t know and the only comment which was made was oh isn’t that clumsy boy syndrome?’.

At first, I felt extremely sad when I found out; I always felt a bit different and a bit ‘slow’ compared to everyone else and to finally have an explanation why… it just made me feel low to figure it out. And then I felt really angry. How did I manage to go through my GCSE, A - LEVELS and Two Years of University without anyone knowing? HOW?! I felt like the school system had let me down. I mean I didn’t even know what dyspraxia was (which is sad because it actually 5-10% of the population have it) so of course, I decided to google it…

Googles definition of dyspraxia is: ‘a developmental disorder of the brain in childhood causing difficulty in activities requiring coordination and movement.Which, for me needed a further explanation so I decided to explore more.

What I gathered, is that the signals which are sent out from my brain to my body gets muddled up which effects my organisation skills, motor and gross skills, social skills, sense of direction and thought process. Sadly, my brain works x10 harder compared to the general population to do the simplest of tasks. And the myth that you ‘just grow out’ of dyspraxia is utter bollocks.

Before I found out I was dyspraxic, I honestly did not understand why I wasn’t able to cook, or why I struggled to construct sentences or why I just randomly tripped or why I can’t control the volume of my voice. I guess I was just labelled as odd and quirky which was something that people could be able to laugh at, instead of realising that it was actually a serious problem. In all honesty, I still feel inadequate compared to other people.
Bad attempted of shortbread I tried to make...

It was painful finding out, looking back at every situation where dyspraxia explained the unexplainable events and reframing the past 20 years of my life and understanding why when I was a kid I couldn’t do my shoe laces or why people would ask me to explain what I meant. OR WHY I COULD NEVER TELL MY LEFTS FROM MY RIGHT, OR WHY MY LISTENING SKILLS ARE AWFUL.

It turned out a lot of my weakness and things which I was ashamed off was because of a learning difficulty that I did not even know I have. Which before my diagnosis I had never even heard off but yet it’s affected my whole life. It affected my self-confidence, my relationship with my parents and my friendships.

Sadly, I faced discrimination majority of everyday and for years I didn't even realise until the other day when I was talking to my friend quite loudly and I lost my balance (which is really normal for me anyway) but then a woman in a shop got annoyed at me and accused me of being drunk (I did not touch a drop of alcohol that day) and I apologised and I actually said that I was dyspraxic and It was an accident.

Do you want to know her reply was?

‘ t h a t  I s  n o t  a n  e x c u s e ,  my cousin has dyspraxia and he isn’t loud, you're just drunk’

No two people with dyspraxia are the same, just as depression it affects people different and it doesn’t define people who they are.

I managed to get a 2:1 last year overall without any extra help; just hard work and determination, I work in care where I have to use my fine and gross motor skills all the time. People with dyspraxia struggle more but there are some positives to it! Before my diagnosis everyone would say how insane my long-term memory was and now I know why.

So in conclusion to my rant, dyspraxia is something biological which you cannot change. We struggle, but with determination and the right strategies be able to do ok. We just need a bit more time and recognition because simple things don’t come easier to us… And schools should do more to raise awareness.

Is there any weakness in your life which you were ashamed off and what do you do to try and overcome them? Do you know anyone with Dyspraxia? xox

17 Hilarious Quotes From Rajesh Koothrappali

*If you haven’t seen The Big Bang Theory I suggest you go and watch it or if you haven’t watch season 5 yet here is your SPOILER WARNING!!*

You have been warned so if you are reading this, I have warned you and you’ve chosen to keep reading... 

Since I was Eight years old I was obsessed with Charmed. For anyone who has watched season eight of Charmed you’d have seen Kaley Cuoco playing a badass Billie. So once Charmed finished and I found out Kaley was going to be in The Big Bang Theory, I couldn’t wait to watch it. Unfortunately, Penny (Kaley Cuoco) is one of my least favourite characters throughout the show. However, I absolutely adore Raj Koothrappali (Kunal Nayyar).

Source: http://www.fanforum.com/f312/rajesh-koothrappali-kunal-nayyar-6-because-he-just-wanted-do-something-beautiful-63116904/ 

Season 5, In my opinion has the best storylines. Leonard and Penny get back together. We see Amy and Sheldon relationship develop. Howard goes to space and gets married! The rest of the characters’ love life seems to progress whilst Raj is the ‘Single & Alone ‘friend which I’m sure once in you feel like you can relate too. Here are my top 17 Raj Koothrappali Quotes which made me laugh:

17. ‘I’ve often pictured you guiding a young boy into manhood.’ (Episode Twelve: The Shiny Trinket Manoeuvre)

Source: http://giphy.com/gifs/raj-koothrappali-WEKrH28QuPIas 

16. ‘Still my first choice for an ankle tattoo. Or a dolphin, I go back and forth.’ (Episode Nine: The Ornithophobia Diffusion)

Source: http://wifflegif.com/tags/37481-ok-bye-gifs 

15. ‘Now who’s dying of jealousy? Oh, it’s you.’ (Episode Eighteen: The Werewolf Transformation)

Source: http://giphy.com/gifs/big-bang-theory-forever-alone-1P9G48R9mdLpu 

14. ‘He’s the Hindu version of Cupid, but way better, because he rides a giant parrot.’ (Episode One: The Skank Reflex)

Source: http://giphy.com/search/raj-big-bang 

13. ‘If I had one, it would be Brown Dynamite’ (Episode Fifteen: The Friendship Contraction)

Source: https://www.tumblr.com/login_required/voltage-is-life/136520598250 

12. ‘I had pee his pants.’ (Episode Seven: The Good Guy Fluctuation)

Source: http://www.indiatvnews.com/buzz/life/rajesh-koothrapali-the-big-bang-theory-funny-moments-159.html 

11. ‘No, I’m not gay. If anything, I’m metrosexual.’ (Episode Twenty: The Transporter Malfunction)

Source: http://wanna-joke.com/tag/the-big-bang-theory/page/12/ 

10. ‘This grasshopper is kicking my ass-hopper.’ (Episode Twenty-Two: The Stag Convergence)

Source: http://giphy.com/gifs/raj-koothrappali-XBbmIktjuLqlW 

9. ‘Totally. What’s wrong with cap sleeves? If you have the right figure for it, they’re adorable.’ (Episode Eight: The Isolation Permutation)

Source: http://www.folomojo.com/mowgli-apu-raj-we-may-not-see-them-often-but-we-can-never-forget-them-heres-why/ 

8. ‘Did you forget what Penny did to you? It took you two years and defiling my sister to turn that frown upside down.’ (Episode Thirteen: The Recombination Hypothesis)

Source: http://sortedfood.com/blog/18-problems-you-will-only-understand-if-you-too-are-a-foodie/ 

7. ‘When Gandhi advocated his philosophy of nonviolence, I bet he didn’t know how much fun it was killing stuff.’ (Episode Nineteen: The Weekend Vortex) 

Source: http://giphy.com/gifs/raj-koothrappali-Jz0zCoYRq9znG 

6. ‘Wow. You’re not only our first astronaut. You’re also the first one of us to kick a girl out of bed. You’re like a rock star.’ (Episode Five: The Russian Rocket Reaction)

Source: http://giphy.com/gifs/raj-koothrappali-DEy2xTFLiP0n6 

5. ‘Can I pour you some wine? I think you’ll enjoy it. The traditional choice with Peking duck is a Sauvignon Blanc, but Siri suggested an off-dry Riesling. I wasn’t sure, but I didn’t want to have an argument with her in the middle of Trader Joe’s. Now, what should we put Siri in for dinner? Leopard, sparkles, or to paraphrase Coco Chanel, you can never go wrong with a little black case. Siri, play some smooth jazz. Oh, my God, Kenny G? This woman can read me like a book. I can’t believe I bought my soul mate at Glendale Galleria.’ (Episode Fourteen: The Beta Test Initiation) 

Source: http://forum.the-big-bang-theory.com/topic/6466-2016-sag-awards/?page=4 

4. ‘You know who I blame for my loneliness? The United States of America. Your movies and your TV shows promised streets paved with beautiful blonde women with big bazongas.’ (Episode Four: The Wiggly Finger Catalyst)

Source: http://favim.com/image/49447/ 

3. 'But e-excuse me, I have something to say. None of you may realize it, but I was very much looking forward to this weekend. It was gonna be like the old days, the four of us hanging out playing video games before you guys all got girlfriends. Do you have any idea what it’s like to be the only one without a girlfriend? Even if I get one someday, I’ll still be the guy who got a girl AFTER SHELDON COOPER! (Episode Nineteen: The Weekend Vortex) 

Source: https://uk.pinterest.com/pin/131871095310920008/ 

2. ' You’re nervous? I’ve been stress-eating for four days. Look at me. I’m wearing my fat pants. (Episode Twenty-Four: The Countdown Reflection) 

Source: http://giphy.com/gifs/raj-koothrappali-mY1lPoPI0iw7u 

1. ‘I think back to all the good times we had, like, uh, when we went camping and spent that night telling each other all our secrets. I told him I’m addicted to pedicures and he told me he lost his virginity to his cousin.’  (Episode Twenty-Two: The Stag Convergence)

Source: http://giphy.com/search/raj-koothrappali 

Who is your favourite Character from The Big Bang Theory? What was your favourite quote? xo

Goals For 2017

Happy New Year My Lovelies! I really hope that you all have a great time getting rid of 2016 – I know I did. I spent New Year’s Eve playing board games whilst drinking alcohol whilst staring at some stranger’s cat and stealing their food. Even though it was really fun, if you had told me two years ago I would of spent New Year’s Eve playing board games with a bunch of people I didn’t know, I would have laughed in your face, so it just goes to show how people can change over time.

I’m not one for ‘resolutions’. Mostly because I think they restrict when you can change and I think it’s important to realise that we are always changing. However, Goals! – Goals I am 100% on board with. So here is what I’m hoping to achieve in 2017.

G O A L  O N E: G R A D U A T E !

I’m currently in my third year at UWE and even though I’ve been pleased with my grades so far you don’t know what’s around the corner. Hopefully, 2017 is the year where I graduate my degree in Psychology with Sociology.

G O A L  T W O: S A V E M O N E Y

First year, I was disadvantaged as my student loan did not cover every cost (bills, rent etc.) that when I was working I was paying them with the money I earned. Now hopefully, I can start saving my money and actually start preparing for adulthood (ish)

G O A L  T H R E E : D R I V I N G

Before moving away for uni, I decided that going on holiday was a better experience than learning how to drive. Which, I defiantly don’t regret as majority of my friends who could drive and moved away for uni didn’t use their car that much and ended up selling it. But once I graduate, hopefully I will start learning how to drive and who knows maybe I’ll pass but I wouldn’t hold my breath on it!

G O A L  F O U R: B A N D S  & F E S T I V A L S 

In 2014, I made it a goal that I would make it a year to remember by seeing more live music and just having a good time, I completed this mission. Throughout the years, I’ve forgotten to keep doing so. In 2016, the only two bands I saw live were Biffy Clyro and The Hunna and I guess I think 2014 me would slap me in the face if that was it. I have never, ever ever ever attended a festival and people who meet me are like (whaaaaat?) but hopefully this year, it will change.

G O A L  F I V E:  W A T C H  T H E  M A R V E L  T V  A N D  F I L M S  I N  O R D E R

I cannot stand watching things out of chronological logical order, I hate trying to figure shit out. So this is why I’m happy some random person on the internet made this chart and throughout the year of 2017 I will watch it in this way. You might think why? I’m not really a big fan of comic books but there again I’ve never actually sat and read them but the marvel TV shows and films that I have watched I’ve always really enjoyed but then my friends will say and this one connects to this one because of reason X and Y and I’m sat there like um… 

G O A L  S I X: V O L U N T E E R

Starting uni when I was 18 was an eye-opener. A-lot of people on my course were mature students and they’ve already went a year abroad and volunteered and sounds like they did some incredible things as where I was like ‘yeah, last year I was doing my A-Levels and this year I’m here’ and even though there is nothing wrong with that at all. I feel that, I want to spend some time out volunteering and getting experience in the field which I want to do.

G O A L  S E V E N: D R I N K  M O R  E  W A T E R

Before uni, water is all that I would drink in the house. But eh, there is something wrong with Bristol tap water that I just avoid drinking it – well no more. That needs to stop. I’m sure everyone knows how amazing water is for you and I just need to attempt to drink at least half of what is recommended!

G O A L  E I G H T: S O C A L I S E  M O R E

Recently, I feel so busy that I just don’t spend time with my friends or family or as much time as I would like. Hopefully, this summer that will change. And we will plan things and do stuff but we will see!

So, is anyone setting any goals for 2017 and if so what kind of things? What are you trying to hope to achieve this year? xo