Sex & Society: Should Women Really ‘Just Cover up’?

What about boys? I don’t want them getting any idea’s!

When my dad first saw me at eighteen with a short dress on with heels on before going out he explode; Just as many other dads’ would. But you see this was one of the first times his daughter wore anything revealing and instantly my dad panicked.  I make my dad sound like he’s controlling but honestly he’s not. He reacted like any other parent would.

 Society says that ‘girls should cover up otherwise they’re asking for it’. I hope that when you read that (whatever gender you may be) you feel extremely angry by it, it may be an outdated view but yet it still dominants the way people treat and speak about girls.

My fashion sense has changed drastically since I started uni, to now going in to my third year of uni. *Yikes*

Do you not have any casual skirts Hannah?’ In first year my housemate (who was also called Hannah coincidentally!)  was helping me decide what to wear before going out for some fresher event at the SU. In my head I automatically thought ‘Skirts? SKIRTS? WHAT IS THIS MADNESS?’. She looked at me bleak.  I generally replied to her saying ‘That I didn’t wear skirts because boys would whistle and I hated my legs’.

I look back at that and I think that’s absurd, how did I let the opinion of others control me so much? For anyone who knows me now, I love wearing skirts! I usually wear them more winter time than I do summer time. I don’t know why I adore the look of black think tights a skirt and a jumper but I do! It may be because that’s when it all started.

Living in the city taught me a lot about self-acceptance; Because honestly no-one gave a damn what I wore. No-one certainly didn’t give me a negative opinion about what I wore, if anything I found, other girls empowered each other and boys were somewhat more respective.
But when I came home, I realised the difference.

I wore my skirt one evening, (even my dad said I looked pretty, aww). By guys I was called a tease, a slut and made jokes about me bending over and so on. Other girls varied in their opinions and there were some childish remarks but once again looking back I realise how silly it was to let other people’s comments affect the way I felt about myself.
Remember these? 

Can you remember the time where everyone was wearing a bralette ? I mean L I T E R A L L Y  A L M O S T EVERY GIRL POSSIBLE? I honestly think this craze started when I was roughly 12/13. And hand on heart I can honestly say I never personally bought one because I never felt that I had the ‘right body’ too. Social media definitely had an effect on the way I saw myself. Negative post about body images tend to lurk around the internet and for a 13 year-old to see that ‘if you’re a size 12 you should stay away from crop tops’.

Today’s society, a lot of girls will stand up and have now taken ‘screw you photo’s’ and rocked them so hard. But back then, it wasn’t the case. 

Like Literally

I’ve always had big boobs ever since I was 12 but I always felt the need to cover them up, I mean I don’t want to be a tease, right? Once at work. Some guy who was hammered tried to grab my boob just because he thought ‘they were lovely’ and ‘wanted a squeeze’.  A part of me wanted to vomit inside and do you know what the most sickening thing was? It was when other boys and girls turned around and said ‘Well you shouldn’t have worn a low top, it’s basically asking for it!’ (How ridiculous.)

A few years ago, that comment would have made me feel like it was MY fault. But it was HIS actions, not mine. It was his issue. And my clothes or my body had no control of his actions. Wearing a vest top in work is not asking for a random drunk old guy to try and squeeze your boobs (like spew).

And that’s when I learnt, People shouldn’t control what you wear or how you feel about yourself. If you want to wear a skirt or a crop top or a burqa. It really does not matter.

That’s why I was super excited when I purchased 'Alia' Ribbed Choker Crop Top’ in Black  from Boutique of Molly .
Size: 12

 I love the choker and I adore the ‘off the shoulder look’ and it’s extremely comfortable. When I wore it out Saturday, I had several comments about how ‘gorgeous’ this top is which was an added bonus. ( P.S. If purchase anything from BOM, If you use the code: HANN20  you will get 20% off. *Wink* *Wink*)

And it’s crazy to think a few years ago, I would have never purchased it because I would worry what other people thought? So who cares if belly isn’t flat? If my boobs are ‘too big?’ if my legs are ‘too short?’. It’s my body and I will dress it the way I want too, not the way that someone else tells you too. 

6 Signs To Spot A Cheater

Here’s a fun fact about me: In every relationship I have ever been in; I have been cheated on.
Previously, I would have been embarrassed and ashamed to even admit it but now I embrace it. Which probably sounds strange, but certain experiences teach you about life or at least relationships. It infuriates me on Facebook when I see ‘cheating is the worst thing you could do to someone’ because in all honesty it is not.

Everyone has a different definition on what cheating is: some may feel that looking at another woman/man are cheating, some may say flirting is cheating and others would say when something physical happens is cheating.

What I’m talking about; What I’ve experienced was the physical side when my ex boyfriends would talk to a girl and meet and have sex with her, then would come back to me and look me in the eyes and tell me they love me. So more of full blown affair than just someone kissing someone else on the dance floor.

You may feel sorry for me, you may not. Either way, how you feel about the situation doesn’t change the fact that it happened. Truth be told, it’s made me stronger and if any of you have been cheated on then I hope this post gives you some sort of comfort.

Now, I’ve probably reacted in every way possible when I’ve found out I’ve been cheated on. I’ve cried, screamed, blamed myself or acted like I didn’t care. They’re pretty standard reactions and now looking back they we’re needed for me to realises what I realise now, but I hope it isn’t the case for everyone.

For me, I need to know WHY they did what they done. 99% of the time I blamed myself and 100% of the time they gave me lame excuses why they done what they it. You see the fact that it kept reoccurring made me think that there was something wrong with me whether I was ‘too clingy’ or ‘too annoying’ some even said it was the fact that I was ‘emotionally distant’ and every time they made a comment about WHY they cheated on me I tried to modify my behaviour to be ‘a better girlfriend’.

But here’s my top tip advice: If someone is going to cheat on you, it’s innate for them to do so. They will do it regardless no matter what you do. You cannot change a person. You cannot control a person. You cannot change the outcome. It’s their issue, not yours. It’s their fault. You do not force a person to do so even if they have blamed you. If they are unhappy they can leave.

Reading this, you may be thinking: ‘WOW this girl has a serious grudge with her ex’s’. Sorry to disappoint you, but no I don’t. Even though it was a horrible thing for them to do at the time, I Now am grateful and even on good terms with some of them now!

As cringe as it sounds, it’s helped me grow as a person. Being put in this position, I wouldn’t do it to someone else because I know it hurts but I also know what I wouldn’t take either. It’s made me stronger.

Each boyfriend that I had, I thought they we’re all different to each other; some even polar opposites. If you lined them up they’re physical attractiveness varies a lot. Actually the only thing that’s consistent is that they all have blue eyes (#blueeyepeoplehavenomorals – I’m kidding, my eyes are blue) but looking back I realise that they had some similarities in their behaviour. And now I want to share with you those similarities:

(P.S. Please take note that this is MY Experience and it may not be the case with your partner and do not take things so heavily and let this effect you in anyway. If you feel that your partner is cheating on you – feel free to email but do talk about your concerns to them and close friends Do not take it too seriously.)

N U M B E R  O N E: S E C R E T I V E

This may sound like an obvious one but yet it often gets ignored. My first ex was so secretive about what he was doing. As far as I was concerned he was in his bedroom playing on the PS3 which was probably true, but this was just an assumption that I made. There would be times where he wouldn’t reply for 4/5 hours because ‘he was really in to a game’. For me to then find out a few weeks later he was with a ‘girl who’s a friend’. To then later find out something had happened; being vague in what they are doing is a red flag.

N U M B E R  T W O: Y O U  F E E L  L I K E  A  S E C R E T

If you have feel that your partner is ashamed of you because you haven’t met their friends or family. I would take that as a red flag all depending on your age. If your 17 or under, I wouldn’t worry so much about this one. But if you are older, then this shows that he/she isn’t serious about you. If they don’t feel proud to show you off and if you’ve told them how you felt about the situation and they don’t say/do anything to make you feel better or to even show that they care about how you feel, then trust me there isn’t much hope.

N U M B E R  T H R E E: F A L S E  P R O M I S E S

I found that most of my ex boyfriends would tell me what they thought I wanted to hear but would have no intention to actually carry it out. Promises such as ‘I’ll buy you that top for your birthday’ or ‘I’ll see you after my holiday and we can go for a spa weekend.’ When you know they say things they will never go through with; it shows a lack of care when people do this constantly.

N U M B E R  F O U R: P H O N E

I mean, when you saw the title of this post you must know it would be on here, right? This is quite a tricky one because I am a private person and I hate the idea of anyone using or even looking at my phone because of the things I’ve got on there. However, when I would be with my ex’s I noticed they would take their phone to the toilets a lot. (I mean how risky would it be if you replied to girl number 2 whilst being in the same room as your girlfriend?). Another thing is, I would happily scroll through Facebook or twitter in front of them – but they couldn’t do the same (HOW EVEN RISKIER WOULD IT BE IF GIRL No 2 POPPED UP WHILST ‘The GIRLFRIEND WAS LOOKING AT YOUR PHONE?). There is privacy and then there’s being overly cautious.

N U M B E R  F I V E: T H E  E X

If they have previously cheated on past relationships before, they will cheat again. Leopards do not change their spots. They’ve had the mind set to do it before. They will do it again. They will probably try and convince you that their ex was boring and that they don’t have the 'same chemistry as you' guys. This is bullshit. Also, if they are still in contact with their ex’s this is another big sign. Even though I’m at the stage where if I see one of my ex’s whilst out I’d have a 2 minitue conversation with them, this certainly does not mean I would text them every day and ‘meet up for coffee with them’. Ex’s are your past, if they are still in your partners present – if they are still speaking, there’s no need for it. It’s abnormal.

N U M B E R  S I X: F O L L O W  Y O U R  I N S T I N C T S

I was so worried that being cheated on before made me more paranoid than what I was. I didn’t trust that gut feeling I had when something wasn’t quite right. It’s difficult to explain this but for some unknown reason you don’t trust what your partner is saying to you. Trust your instincts. They do not let you down, no matter how insecure you may feel. If something doesn’t add up. Question it.

Seven Different Styles With One Top | ❤️

If you’re like me (a student who cannot afford to buy pretty things) but regardless, you have a really bad spending habit. You convince yourself that you need this new top because you don’t have any top like it and you need it for a new style/look. Well my lovelies, have I got a top for you.  I was super excited when my Kia Bardot Nude Top was delivered from Boutique of Molly; not only was the packaging super cute and pretty but the delivery timing was superb.

Not only is this top affordable it works with several different styles: -

S T Y L E  O N E : B O H E M I A N

I paired my top with green shorts from pull & bear and converses. The style is perfect for a summer day – the colours mix well together. However, it’s also unusual and so if you like standing out of the crowd mixing these colours work well together.

S T Y L E  T W O:  S O P H I S T I C A T E D

Wearing a black skirt always makes me feel more feminine. Nude and Black always goes so well together; add a pair of heels (mine are nude ones from New Look) and you are ready to go for a job interview! The top isn’t revealing and the off the shoulder look is a c l a s s i c  look.

S T Y L E  T H R E E: S I M P L E & S T Y L I S H

Tights and shorts are always so pretty especially when paired with my top. This style is comfortable but yet effective. You could pair it with daps or heels whatever takes your fancy! You can dress this up with accessories or dress it down!

S T Y L E  F O U R: R O C K E R  C H I C

This is one of my favourite styles; you may argue that because it’s a pink top it’s not so rockerish but I think if you wear if with sass and confidence then it works. I paired it with my shorts from boohoo and of course with a pair of my old worn out converse.

S T Y L E  F I V E: C H I C

Perfect for going on a night out in town, black high wasted skinny jeans with heels can never go wrong! (as long as you take plasters for your blisters). It’s an everyday look you could wear or you can dress it up with different accessories and do you’re make up more dramatic for a more polished look.

S T Y L E  S I X: A R T Y

How comfortable are these intricate pattern themed trousers? Not only are they comfortable but they are pretty funky. The pink tone in the top is a ‘solid’ and the trousers do all the talking. Such a perfect mix. This look reminds me going to the beach so I paired it with sandals but you really could wear this on a day to day basis.


I’m so glad that light blue dungarees are back. It’s super cute and the light colours mixed together make it feel so so so summery! The soft fabric of my top does give it a romantic feel (and you could totally picture me on a field, picking daises hoping for love) whilst wearing this!

So which look was your favourite? And Don’t forget to tweet me your #BOMselfies xox

Top 10 Tips For Students

 Going in to second year; you will see a big difference in students…  You will see who’s here to party and who is here to really knuckle down and work hard. It’s fair to say I wasn’t the best example of a second year student. In the first two months I was going out nonstop. But when the work load came it hit me hard. I’m not the most organised person you will ever meet; however, learning from my mistakes here are 10 top tips to help you get organised and not waste time!

H I N T  1: N O T E B O O K S

This will seem like an obvious one but my advice is to either get one a4 notebook and colour code each module and what topic or get a5 notebook for each module. For example, last year I had four modules, so I used four different coloured notebooks to help me find notes for each one. The only problem with this, is if you forget one notebook and then having to write in the another one! So, it’s safe to say this year I will be using one notebook and I will colour code it.

H I N T  2: A C A D E M I C  D I A R Y

In the beginning of the year, you will get the dates of coursework hand ins and roughly a time of exam periods down. Write this down. Knowing the way in which Uni seems to plan hand in dates they all appear so close to each other. This gives you the tine to be able to plan your workload accordingly instead of freaking out last miniute like I did.

H I N T  3: T O D O L I S T’ S

Everything begins to get on top of you. You’ve got bills to pay, you want to salvage any of your social life left. And it all gets too much. Doing to-do list can help. You can see what you need to get done and when. Sometimes having a specific one can be a distraction so maybe only plan to do two things in one week.

H I N T 4: L U N C H  B O X

Gone are the days where you can just walk back to halls from lecture and have food. And spending your money at the SU Shop seems ridiculous! It’s honestly such a cost effective way and you don’t waste time in ques to buy food.

H I N T 5: E A R  P H O N E ‘ S

If they aren’t already; they will become your best friend. When you are powering through an essay at your library. You will need your music to keep you focused or when you’re on the bus to uni, they will wake you up. Or, around exam session you can record yourself saying notes and play it on the bus etc.

H I N T 6:  R E V I S I O N  C A R D S

Exams will hit. And here comes stress. Having your notes prepared before exams will be extremely helpful and useful… Whether it’s a MCM exam or essays, this type of revision tool is effective. It can help you learn Names and Theories, or learning different part's of a pre-essay you wrote also they are interactive as you can use with other course mates or get friends to test you!

H I N T 7:  C O L O U R  P E N S

I mean, if you want to colour code things to make it more visually appealing and make it easy to find stuff then colour pens are the way forward. Whether you use them to underline names and dates or to emphasis a point. They are just fun to use, but make sure you don't over stress on colour coding and stop concentrating on what your lecture is saying.

H I N T 8: L A P T O P  C A S E

You may try and convince yourself you will do your work at home… BUT GOD DAMN IT THERE ARE TOO MANY DISTRACTIONS. You’ll find that the time you need to waste before lectures will become useful to do work and write notes. You may want to do your reading or look something up from the last lecture. But you will end up bringing your laptop in and having a case is so important to make sure you don’t break it.

H I N T 9: C O L O U R I N G  B O O K

It doesn’t have to be a colouring book. But something to help you de-stress yourself before bed. I can tell you, the night before my exam’s I am awful to sleep with. I’m up all night and I pace and I just cannot relax to fall asleep.  Having something to calm you down will be a huge help!

H I N T 10: F O L D E R S

I don’t know about your course, but sometimes in my seminars they would give us sheets and they would end up crumbled up in the bottom of my bag. Then I’d completely forget that they existed until months later and then I would look at them and think ‘Damn that would have helped’. Having a place to put them in will help all that more!

Dealing With A Break Up? 💔 What Not To Do...

Am I an idiot who picks big giant losers? I thought he/she was different’
  In a time of your life (if you haven’t already) you will go through a break up. Especially now after results day a lot of relationships tend to crumble! Whether it’s with your friend or a partner it will one day happen. I won’t lie, it’s painful. And in all honesty; no matter how many times you go through it. It doesn’t get better but you do develop a tougher skin for it.

My first break up with a boyfriend happened when I was sixteen. I’d been with him since I was fourteen and loosing someone after spending two years with them was difficult and There were so many mixed emotions.

Looking back at the whole situation, I cringe a lot.  As I got older I realise how silly the whole thing was. But at the time I was hurting and did somethings… which were embarrassing. Some of these things have been done to me and even though it appears I’m aiming my post at younger girls. I’m really not. It shocks me that I see 30 year old's on my Facebook doing the same things I was when I was 16 and in my head; I mentally slap them. But we all do stupid things when we are hurting.

So further ado, here are some hints and tips that I recommend that you do not do: 

T I P  O N E: D O N ‘ T  D E L E T E  P H O T O ‘ S

Look at the fringes! 

You may think ‘WHAT?’. All you may feel is that you want to have a social cleanse of them out of your life. Even if this is the case now. This person (may it have only been a month or three years) was at one time important to you. No matter what they have done to you, you do share good memorise with them as well as bad. Trust me, the way I looked at fourteen was horrendous but I do wish I could look back at myself and be like ‘Aww look at 14-year-old me, so in love so silly’ and chuckle to myself. But at last, I never kept photos and deleted them.

T I P  T W O: D O N ‘T  T W E E T  S T U F F

I was feisty

When my time hop notification pops up on my phone I automatically cringe. I see arguments, I see those ‘heartbroken’ statuses that I did. I just want to hide in embarrassment that I actually felt the need to share my problems with social media. Especially at the time, I had over 1,000 followers reading arguments and people at school probably reading them and laughing at me. Something so private shouldn’t have been so public.

T I P  T H R E E: D O N ‘ T  S P A M

I just go to know

I can admit that I have done this and it has been done to me several times and it’s borderline stalking. Your so confused why this person that you cared about could actually walk out of your life and not care how you feel. All you want to do is talk and get some answers but god damn it they are not answering your messages! And right now you don’t care if they are in work or are busy.. You need to know! Don’t do this. You are wasting your time, Majority of the time people just leave without explaining things but you will honestly realise it’s for the better.

T I P  F O U R: D E L E T E  N U M B E R

Click it.

One of the worst things you can do at 3 am is call them up drunk and shouting/crying down the phone telling them you love them but you hate them. You end up waking up in the morning with this churning feeling in your stomach and praying to God that you did not just do that (But oh you did). You’ll end up just putting your head in to your pillow out of frustration and you also let your ex know that they still have power over you.

T I P  F I V E : D O N ‘ T  F A C E B O O K  S H I T


One of the most cringiest and embarrassing things I have done is writing status in 2011 saying how shit I felt and with people commenting ‘are u k bbe?’ and my replies are there like ‘no :/ :/ :/’. I just want to slap myself profusely. Not only did I open up my problems to 2,000 facebook friends (Including, my ex partner’s family and my family) also future employers will one day see it. And let’s just say, some status made me seem rather mentally unstable and it also opened up arguments with my ex’s so the whole facebook world could read them/laugh at them and judge them.

T I P  S I X : P U T  T H A T  C O L O U R  B O T T L E    D O W N

So many colours

Me and my friend we’re discussing this the other day... No matter how old you get, you will do something crazy with your appearance just to change something about yourself. I can’t get over how many hair colours I have previously gone to ‘reinvent myself’ or piercings. Then in the long run, I spend a lot of money trying to get back my natural hair colour. My advice, just buy some new outfits!

T I P  S E V E N : D O N ' T E X P E C T  I T  T O  'J U S T'  H A P P E N

I agree that getting over a loss over a relationship whether it’s a friendship or a relationship. Time does heal all wounds. But you’ve got to put work in too. Spend time with family and friends. Make that extra effort with people. The worst thing you can do is sit around moaning 24/7 and not doing anything about it. It doesn’t just ‘go away’. 

“Beautiful Suffers?” No, Let’s Talk REAL About Depression

Any person who has suffered with any type of mental health issues knows there is no glamour in feeling the way that you do. So, males and females seeing photos of ‘Tumblr girls’ in black and white photos with words written on the photo with ‘I want to die’ will understand how frustrating this ‘dark art’ is.


It’s not beautiful.

It’s not glamour’s.

It’s not a thrill.

So what is depression? This question is so difficult to answer; we all feel sad from time to time to time and I don’t want to discourage people... But people who suffer with depression experience sadness, low mood intensely for a long time whether it’s months/weeks or years. It’s a serious medical condition which doesn’t only effect you mentally but also physically too.

So being depressed is just being sad then? No, even though feeling sad is a part of it. There are so many other emotions involved: - 
  • Frustration
  • Irritable
  • Guilty
  • Lacking in confidence
  • Disappointed
  • Indecisive
  • Anxious
  • Overwhelmed 

You said clinical? What other types of depression are there?! Well each type is very different but there are quite a few different types: - 
  • Dysthymic Disorder
  • Bipolar
  • Antenatal and Postnatal depression
  • Psychotic Depression
  • Melancholia
  • Cyclothymic Disorder
  • SAD

How can depression effect you physically? For a start, sleeping problems. Some nights I can sleep for 12 hours and others I only sleep 4 leaving me irritable and moody but also run down. Obviously a lack of sleep causes so many other problems and it then becomes a cycle. Other things such as:-
  • A Churning Gut
  • Weight Gain or loss
  • Headaches or muscle Pain
  • Feeling sick or being sick

Ok, why can’t you just cheer up? Wouldn’t that be amazing if you could? I think if it was a simple as that then we would all just switch this flip where we could just smile and feel all fine and dandy. But sadly, you can’t. It’s like you have this voice in the back of your head telling you that you can’t be happy. For example: -
  • ‘I’m a failure’
  • ‘It’s my fault’
  • ‘People would be better off without me’
  • ‘I’m worthless’

Right so why don’t you just change your behaviour to feel differently about yourself? It’s a difficult cycle. You’re not getting enough sleep; the fact you’ve gained weight has bothered you. You feel angry and irritated. You cannot enjoy activities once that you loved. It becomes almost impossible to be able to concentrate. You end up withdrawing from close family and friends and to feel like you can actually be sociable you then depend on alcohol or drugs.

OK, why do you even feel this way? What caused it? There is no one single cause of depression. It just happens. For me, personal factors such as my family history may have been a reason. But I will never know. However, depression is linked in the brain and it’s not as simple as a ‘chemical imbalance’. It’s complicated and there are a lot of causes such as genetic vulnerability which may have caused depression.

What advice can you give? It’s very difficult to give advice on depression because so many people deal with it differently. I try and focus on the future and what I will be and what I want out of life. When I have an episode. I can usually tell when they are coming because I go erratic and my eating goes crazy. When it comes I tend to prepare myself and allow myself to have a few sad days where I just sit in my pj’s and not do anything. Other days, I force myself to go out – whether it’s just for a walk or to see a friend for an hour. I try not to lose touch with reality.

I scored ENFP And It Sucks

If anyone has ever felt a little bit lost or ‘empty inside’ I hope that you will relate to me when I say several times; I have without a doubt question ‘Who am I?’. The older I’m getting the more lost I felt and the more times I questioned my beliefs and what I felt. I guess a part of me didn’t feel like I fit in to any labels nicely and then it made me think ‘What kind of person am I?’

I can’t explain why I ended up spending my nights doing different personality test and what I was hoping to gain from them but for some unknown reason it made me feel better. But Carl Jung test gave me some clarification and indication why I act the way I do.

A brief background about Carl Jung work; there are a total of sixteen different personality types. The grid below should help for those who are not familiar with his work.

 So you have the first condition – whether you are an extrovert or an introvert. So in the four code I came out with I was an extrovert (which means I like to engage with people). The second letter in the code is for Intuition but it’s vs is Sensing. I came out as Introversion (it means Perceiving new potential). The third condition is Thinking vs Feeling and as you can see in my code I score higher on feelings; it means that I make choices based on my core beliefs. The fourth condition; is Judging vs Perceiving… (Click here if you are interested in taking the test)





Characteristics which are associate with this type of personality are:-
  • Being curious
  • Easily Bored
  • Spontaneous
  • Risk-Takers
  • Understanding
  • Extremely Emotional

Like everything there are advantages and disadvantages and today I will explain why having ENFP personality trait can suck:

      N U M B E R  O N E : Having loads of idea’s and plans which you never follow through cause you’re completely unorganised.

       N U M B E R  T W O : Wanting to experience everything but being so impatient you just want to do it immediately

       N U M B E R  T H R E E  : Never being 100% happy with everything because you keep contradicting yourself

      N U M B E R  F O U R: Freaking out your friends and family because of how much you stress when things don’t match up to the plan in your head..

N U M B E R  F I V E : People constantly accusing me of flirting – I’m just being friendly!

      N U M B E R  S I  X :  Shocking people about how strong your beliefs are because majority of time you are easy going

  N U M B E R  S E V E N : Getting bored a lot quicker than the average human being

      N U M B E R  E I G H T:  Constantly sticking with bad relationships (not just partners) because you can see how things COULD be and you focus on that and not really focus on what things are like in reality

      N U M B E R  N I N E: Forever forgetting to eat or get the right amount of sleep because eh who cares about your physical needs?

  N U M B E R  T E N: Wanting to be in social situations and meet people but also being very socially conscious!

   N U M B E R  E L E V E N: For always working towards the goal of the ‘ideal self’ and not just being happy with who you are right this instant

 N U M B E R  T W E L V E: Needing more alone time compared to other Extroverts but then getting restless after too much time

   N U M B E R  T H I R T E E N:  Being more than happy to get into a long distance relationship because the idea of the concept of love but not looking at the long term goal in things – so it then tends to go south!

    N U M B E R  F O U R T E E N: When my relationship goes wrong, I forget that it’s a mutual thing and I tend to keep questioning why things went wrong and what would happen differently

N U M B E R  F I F T E E N : Being accused to be on drugs when you're not because I’m everywhere

N U M B E R  S I X T E E EN: Talking to yourself out loud because there is so much going on in your head you need to separate it.

N U M B E R  S E V E N T E E N: 99.99999% of the time you hate being told what to do!

N U M B E R  E I G H T E E N :During some point in the week, I forget all social media/networks/mobile phones and switch of from the world and sometimes I may not text anyone back for a few days/weeks/months


N U M B E R  N I N E T E E N : I hate being criticized and cannot stand it if someone else is being criticising to another person