Seven Different Styles With One Top | ❤️

If you’re like me (a student who cannot afford to buy pretty things) but regardless, you have a really bad spending habit. You convince yourself that you need this new top because you don’t have any top like it and you need it for a new style/look. Well my lovelies, have I got a top for you.  I was super excited when my Kia Bardot Nude Top was delivered from Boutique of Molly; not only was the packaging super cute and pretty but the delivery timing was superb.

Not only is this top affordable it works with several different styles: -

S T Y L E  O N E : B O H E M I A N

I paired my top with green shorts from pull & bear and converses. The style is perfect for a summer day – the colours mix well together. However, it’s also unusual and so if you like standing out of the crowd mixing these colours work well together.

S T Y L E  T W O:  S O P H I S T I C A T E D

Wearing a black skirt always makes me feel more feminine. Nude and Black always goes so well together; add a pair of heels (mine are nude ones from New Look) and you are ready to go for a job interview! The top isn’t revealing and the off the shoulder look is a c l a s s i c  look.

S T Y L E  T H R E E: S I M P L E & S T Y L I S H

Tights and shorts are always so pretty especially when paired with my top. This style is comfortable but yet effective. You could pair it with daps or heels whatever takes your fancy! You can dress this up with accessories or dress it down!

S T Y L E  F O U R: R O C K E R  C H I C

This is one of my favourite styles; you may argue that because it’s a pink top it’s not so rockerish but I think if you wear if with sass and confidence then it works. I paired it with my shorts from boohoo and of course with a pair of my old worn out converse.

S T Y L E  F I V E: C H I C

Perfect for going on a night out in town, black high wasted skinny jeans with heels can never go wrong! (as long as you take plasters for your blisters). It’s an everyday look you could wear or you can dress it up with different accessories and do you’re make up more dramatic for a more polished look.

S T Y L E  S I X: A R T Y

How comfortable are these intricate pattern themed trousers? Not only are they comfortable but they are pretty funky. The pink tone in the top is a ‘solid’ and the trousers do all the talking. Such a perfect mix. This look reminds me going to the beach so I paired it with sandals but you really could wear this on a day to day basis.


I’m so glad that light blue dungarees are back. It’s super cute and the light colours mixed together make it feel so so so summery! The soft fabric of my top does give it a romantic feel (and you could totally picture me on a field, picking daises hoping for love) whilst wearing this!

So which look was your favourite? And Don’t forget to tweet me your #BOMselfies xox

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