8 Personal Goals for 2018

Well it is official; we are one week in to the year 2018. Where is the time going eh? Last year I wrote my goals for 2017 and I thought firstly I would review which goals I achieved and which goals I did not. In last years post, I created eight goals for myself. I achieved 4/8 which isn’t awful, but it isn’t great either. So, this year I aim too make more achievable goals and plan to achieve these goals. After all, Antoine de Saint-Exupéry said a goal without a plan is just a wish’. This time I want to achieve all my goals this year.

Here are my 8 goals for this year;

- To see more of the world- Sadly, I don’t have much money to go travelling the world. However, I plan to go to a country this year that I haven’t been too. Whether that is Greece, Italy or Germany. All I need to do is convince one friend to go with me and then plan it from there, shouldn’t be too hard right?

- Stop Neglecting my Blog – It’s been 3 months since my last post! I keep using life distractions as an excuse to not post on my blog but that is silly as I enjoy posting. However, the last 6 months I lost all enjoyment in everything that I loved. This needs to stop.  

- Start saying ‘yes’ too more things – Over the past year, I’ve become more introverted and would rather spend 99% of my time in my bedroom watching Netflix than going out socialising and experiencing things; this has become unhealthy and I need to start being more willing to try new things

- To book my theory test – for over a year I have been saying that I need to learn how to drive, yet I can’t take the leap. Nevertheless, a small goal will motivate me to eventually learn how to drive.

- To go to the gym more – I love going to the gym to de- stress (sadly I like chocolate too much for it to show). Due to my work life, I never ever stick to a routine when it comes to the gym and sometimes go two weeks without going. Which is a shame, considering I enjoy it so much. So, my goal is to go at least 3 times a week minimum.

- To smile more – They say that smiling is contagious and can make you feel more positive. It seems to simple yet so effective!

- To cook more – For anyone who knew me a year ago, can tell you that I can hardly cook. However, throughout the year I slowly learnt how to cook new meals. But I am a lazy person and I will end up buying take out just, so I do not have to cook. For Christmas, my nan bought me a slow cooker and I have every intention that I will use it!

- To start my masters and read the recommended reading before the semester starts – If you are on my Instagram, you would have seen that I was accepted on a Masters course which is due to start in September this year. After being a year out of education, I cannot wait to go back to it! Nevertheless, my organisation skills have never been the best, but I aim to be better.

What are you’re goals for 2018? Maybe you’ll inspire me xo

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