The Versatile Blogger Award

There’s a fun little game going ’round the blogosphere and I happened to get “nominated”. If you are nominated, you give a shout out to the person who nominated you, share 7 facts about yourself, and then nominate some of your own favourite or inspiring bloggers. I've been meaning to do this post for so long but it's quite tricky thinking of 7 facts about yourself. 

It’s away for other bloggers to connect and get to know each other more. So, first things first! I want to thank the beautiful Jay for all her help and support when it comes to my blog and for also nominated me to do this challenge. Seriously, go check out her blog if you haven't already! 

Here are 7 random facts about myself:

N U M B E R  O N E: My favourite animal is a penguin but I’ve never once seen one in real life – which also means in 20 years of my existence I have never ever ever been to a zoo.

N U M B E R  T W O: I’m literally obsessed with buying clothes from pull and bear, my friends can tell you honestly that there are only two times where I entered the shop without buying anything. It’s crazy when I don’t.

N U M B E R  T H R E E: My favourite film is Bridget Jones – I’m so excited about the third film coming out, I’ve got a countdown on my phone

N U M B E R  F O U R: I’m definitely not a morning person, the idea of getting up before 9am makes me feel physically sick. I don’t understand people who get up at 6am through choice!

N U M B E R  F I V E: The only hot drink I will drink is hot chocolate (sorry coffee lovers)

N U M B E R  S I X: I’m terrified of heights, I even struggle going on escalators…

N U M B E R  S E V E N: When I was 7/8 I wrote a story which was over 20 pages long, about a women who had a whole load of animals. Without knowing most of them had alcohol names like ‘Stella’, ‘Tia’ and ‘Maria’.

I hope you enjoyed it. My nominations are: -

Do check these guys out and I look forward to read your facts!xo

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