5 Hints to Handle Stress

Raise your hand if you have ever been personally victimised by stress and anxiety? For some odd reason people feel the need to hide the fact they feel stressed or worried or anxious maybe not to worry other people about it or maybe they just don’t want to burden anyone with their feelings?

And that’s cool, I totally understand that.

But for some reason, people feeling like they can’t express their emotions; it can end up with people feel like they can’t cope and then they explode. I know I have been there several times!

It’s been three weeks since I started my last year in University and let’s just say it’s been torture. I’m already exhausted and I can feel my concentration levels already going down. Each reading task is difficult, the work load feels extreme and all I want to do is be cooped up in my bedroom watching Dexter on Netflix and eating Ben & Jerrys.

I’ve recently felt that at the moment I’m wearing this feeble mask which is slowly peeling off. I’m getting irritable on the most irrelevant shit possible. I get overly panicked over the tiniest thing (the other day I got panicked over the idea I lost my textbook which turned out it was in my bedroom). My housemates and my University friends are probably feeling fed up with me because my moods are so up and down.

But do you know what’s great? Is that knowing I’m not the only person feeling like this. Even though my friends won’t vocalise it simple phrases such as ‘I couldn’t sleep last night’ or ‘I couldn’t concentrate on that reading…’  or ‘I’m done with uni already’. Has strangely reassured me. (I am normal and not alone.)

It’s really difficult to make yourself feel motivated, it’s a struggle to get out of bed especially when it’s getting so cold!
But do you know what keep me going? In 5 years this won’t matter.

That piece of coursework you are worrying about? Yeah You will probably stress and stress over it and you will absolutely nail it.

Everything will fall in to place and sorry to say that staying in bed doesn’t just make it happen but acknowledging that you are feeling stressed and worried and coming up with some sort of strategy for it can help.

I’m sure whatever year you’re in, whether you are doing GCSE, A-Levels , 1st /2nd  Year of uni you want to do well. But sometimes it’s difficult to prioritise your work and then everything else such your social life just seems almost impossible to fit in?

Well I’m going to hopefully give you a few hints on how to manage your work load and stress management.

H I N T  O N E : P R I O R I T I S I N G  Y O U R  T I M E

I can’t remember the name of this table, but since I learnt that I found it extremely useful to see what I need to get done and what things were silly that I was stressing about. The idea is to get A done straight away and drop D ASAP but it frees your mind.

H I N T  T W O: S L E E P

This sounds like such an obvious one doesn’t it? And if you’re like me who struggles to get in to a good sleeping pattern and cannot fall asleep for ages. My suggestion is to go to bed at the same time every night, even if you don’t necessarily fall asleep straight away. Put something on, turn away from your laptop because the light bright will keep you up and move your alarm far away from your bed so when it goes off you will get up on time, slowly you will fall asleep earlier!

H I N T  T H R E E:  C R Y

Yup, you’ve got that right! Cry. Crying is a natural stress reliever and sometimes we need to just let it out. Whether it’s for an hour or for 10 minutes. It’s totally okay to cry! Just don’t let it consume you and bring down everyone around you when they could be feeling low too.

H I N T  F O U R:  B E  P R O D U C T I V E

It is okay to throw yourself a pity party once in a while, heck once/twice a week if you need it! But don’t let yourself fall in the trap where you don’t physically do anything all day. At least go for a walk for 10 minutes. Staying in bed doing nothing doesn’t help anyone, especially yourself. I find going for a walk clears my head. But if you give yourself small realistic goals of what you want to do in that week, when you complete it you feel like you’ve achieved something.

H I N T  F I V E:  L E T  I T  G O

Ok don’t get me wrong, you aren’t exactly cured but sometimes writing things down which are stressing you out like your jackass of your boyfriend (I mean how dare he like her picture?) or just coursework or someone in work or just life in general. Sometimes writing it down and letting it all out on a piece of paper and then ripping it up is strangely satisfying. However, sometimes simply going to the gym or colouring can make you feel relieved temporarily.

I hope that helps anyone who is struggling right now, please comment any of your tips to handle stress xo  

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